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Luxon at the helm: What's happened so far, and what to expect now

Luxon at the helm: What's happened so far, and what to expect now

Much of the new government's 100-day plan was designed to undo Labour's legacy. But the government, with PM Christopher Luxon at the helm, is now starting to shape its own vision of New Zealand. What will this look like – and, in particular, what will it mean for economic inequality and poverty?

Come and hear Max Rashbrooke – columnist, researcher and commentator – discuss these questions at this Spirited Conversations event. Bring a friend, discuss, eat, drink, listen, question and comment. Come early and try Yaza Café's Spirited Conversations menu.

Koha to cover costs – no reservations.

Café Yaza, Montgomery Square, Nelson

Wednesday 24 April. Café opens for dining/drinks 6 – conversation 7.30-9.30.

For more information contact Barry (544 0409) or Karen (548 6241).

26 March

Auckland Conversations

31 May

St Peter's Post-Budget Breakfast